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Social events that are happening today near you. Come in for a chat, bring a friend, and have some meaningful conversations. Learn the reasons why not all superheroes wear capes!

Social Awareness Night

  • How can we improve the city we live in?

  • Why do we feel crappy when our work doesn’t align with our values?

  • What sort of cultural changes are important for the improvement of our society?


Have you ever had those philosophical thoughts during a shower, or a 2am sleepless night solving world problems? Well, perhaps this is your Rubik’s Cube moment. As a group, we can start answering these questions by exploring the culture of Sydney.

To examine these philosophical questions, we invite community members from Sydney to join us on this action-focused discussion. Come in for a casual chat, and participate in an open-forum style, thought provoking conversation. Meet other thinkers, and community members from diverse backgrounds, getting together for a meaningful chat over a night of free pizzas, drinks, games, and deserts.  

The evening will be facilitated by fellow peers volunteering their time; opening up these important discussions that are generally left ignored. For the first time, we would like to invite the broader community to join us in this group chat. This event is suitable for anyone wishing to contribute to the discussions about community mental health, geared towards culture change. It is a great place to establish new friendships with other likeminded people, all while bonding over delicious pizzas. Within the stages of soapbox, everyone is of equal standing. The only difference is your unique experiences, may you choose to share them, and an appetite for… well, pizza! 

Due to the recent Covid-19 restrictions, live hosting of Social Awareness Night is temporally paused. Social Awareness Night events will be hosted as an online event. Please stay tuned for more details!

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Next Social Awareness Night Event

Location: Online 
Date: 18th August
Day: Friday

Time: 5PM - 6PM
Price: Free


We'll be discussing these questions:

What's your perspective on the concept of "beauty standards"?

According to your viewpoint, what factors have played a role in the development of body image concerns?

Have you personally experienced pressure or judgment related to body image? If so, how did you manage it?

In your opinion, what actions can be taken to encourage more inclusive and positive beauty ideals?

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