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In Journalist Phase-INTERMEDIATE
Doris Lin
Apr 06, 2023
What we have done to explore this topic and what we have found Method of Enquiry A focus group is basically research that organisations do to gather information about client perspectives and opinions about new ideas or services either being offered. Focus group participants are asked questions in an interactive setting and are encouraged to discuss thoughts freely with other participants. Focus groups used to gather qualitative data and quantitative data. The main purpose is to provide change in surroundings.As quantitative data are always numeric they can be ordered, added together, and the frequency of an observation can be counted. Therefore, all descriptive statistics can be calculated using quantitative data. As qualitative data represent individual (mutually exclusive) categories, the descriptive statistics that can be calculated are limited, as many of these techniques require numeric values which can be logically ordered from lowest to highest and which express a count. Why was it Conducted While having discussions in groups we concluded that everyone's idea matched up with society and their expectations. So as a group we decided to talk about unrealistic expectations as a topic. Unrealistic expectations can indeed have a significant impact on mental health. When we set expectations that are too high or unattainable, we may experience feelings of disappointment, frustration, and failure when we are unable to meet them. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and even depression.Realizing people about self care and the reality of society. Practising self-compassion and accepting imperfections can help to reduce stress and promote positive mental health.Prioritize your physical health:. Focus on your mental health: Engage in activities you enjoy: Make time for hobbies or activities that bring you joy and help you relax. Set boundaries: Learn to say no to things that don't serve your well-being. Practice self-compassion:. Connect with others and take breaks How was it Conducted In order to research how people have been dealing with the Unrealistic expectations from society or what people think about unrealistic expectations from society . We used various qualitative and quantitative techniques like Key Informant Interview, Online Survey and Focused Group Discussion. For key informant interview, we collaborated with the marketing team and decided to conduct interview at Parramatta Park during their lunch time. The second method was an Online Survey, for this we brainstormed and prepared a set of questions that we could ask to people. With this set of questions we prepared a google document with our survey questions . With the help of the marketing team we started posting the survey questions in social media platforms like Soapbox, Sydney’s website and in Soapbox, Sydney’s Facebook page. We as a group shared the doc among our friends and family to get their insights. Lastly, for our Focus Group Discussion we prepared a presentation with a set of questions to discuss. We conducted the Focus Group Discussion for two days for one hour through Zoom . We got to collect and get insights from community members about the Unrealistic Expectation that they have been facing from society. Results & Solutions The interviews that were conducted, most of the community members agreed that today’s society has set unrealistic expectations for young adults. The reasoning to this agreement is that technology is more advanced compared to the previous generations, such as social media, but also stereotyping the young adults in today’s society. Few other reasons would be because if the individual did not meet those expectations, they would be shunned which links to the pressure that the younger generation face. The advice that was given varies from working hard to spend far less time on social media and spend time on doing good things. From the survey answers that we have gathered many community members have agreed that the society has placed a high standard of expectations of young adults. The reasoning behind the agreement mainly surrounds the areas of getting a job, the influence of social media, the pressure that is received from family, friends, peers and also the individual’s stage of life. Most of the community members ranked jobs and finances as the biggest factor affecting young people when it comes to meeting those expectations and the least is the pressure to be on social media. Alot of the community members have mentioned that social media contributes the most to the unrealistic expectations that were placed. Also, have mentioned that it can impact on their mental health significantly, such as depression and anxiety. Lastly, most of the community members have agreed that talking to family and friends would help to cope with the pressure of meeting those expectations. The results that we have received from the focus group were various since there were questions that collected qualitative and quantitative as well. Majority of the community members have agreed with each other when it comes to certain questions, such as unrealistic expectations can lead to the feeling of disappointment and the decline on the individual’s mental health.
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Doris Lin

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