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Barsha Limbu
Mar 29, 2023
In Journalist Phase-INTERMEDIATE
According to Nelson (2020) when it comes to relationships, power imbalances can be a major issue that can lead to unhealthy dynamics. Power in this context refers to the ability to influence or direct someone else's behaviour in specific ways. Three types of negative relationship dynamics can result from power imbalances: demand-withdrawal, distancer-pursuer, and fear-shame. In the distancer-pursuer dynamic, one person (the pursuer) wants to maintain a high level of intimacy with their partner (the distancer), who feels overwhelmed by this attention. (Nelson, 2020) The closer the pursuer tries to get, the more the distancer withdraws and becomes resistant. This dynamic can be similar to demand-withdrawal, but it's focused more on achieving a deeper connection rather than who has more power. (Nelson, 2020) The distancer may view the problem as their partner being too needy, while the pursuer may feel like their partner is purposely withholding affection. It's important for both individuals in a relationship to recognize and address any power imbalances that may exist, through communication, setting boundaries, and seeking outside help if needed. (Nelson, 2020) Ultimately, healthy relationships involve mutual respect, trust, and equality, where both partners feel valued and heard. Decisions should be made together, rather than one person exerting power over the other. Reference: Nelson, E. (2020, December 29). Power in relationships. Big Think.
POWER IMBALANCES content media
Barsha Limbu
Mar 08, 2023
In Journalist Phase-INTERMEDIATE
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the chaos and lose touch with ourselves. We are constantly filled with information and distractions, and it’s hard to find a moment of peace and to connect with our inner selves. As a result, we may feel lost, and anxious, disconnected from ourselves. This disconnect can lead in many ways, such as feeling unfulfilled in our relationships or careers, struggling with our mental health, or simply feeling like something is missing in our lives. Today we may not even realise that we are losing touch with ourselves until it is too late. It is important to remember that the consequences are not inescapable, it is not easy always but it is essential to reconnect with ourself. we can start from small things like taking break from technology, self reflection, connect with nature and self care.
Barsha Limbu
Mar 08, 2023
In Journalist Phase-INTERMEDIATE
Meeting unrealistic expectations can put a lot of pressure on young adults. Many young people feel like they need to have their lives figured out by a certain age, or that they need to achieve certain milestones in order to be successful. This pressure can come from parents, peers, society, or even from within. The pressure to meet unrealistic expectations can have negative effects on a young adult's mental health and well-being. It can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. It can also cause them to make decisions that are not in line with their own values and aspirations, but rather what they think will impress others. It's important for young adults to remember that everyone has their own unique path and timeline. It's okay to take time to figure out what you want to do with your life, and it's okay to make mistakes along the way. Success looks different for everyone, and there is no one-size-fits-all definition of what it means to be successful. So, it's important for young adults to set realistic goals, focus on their own journey, talk to someone, practice self-care, and celebrate small wins. By doing so, they can overcome the pressure of meeting unrealistic expectations and achieve success in their own way.
Barsha Limbu
Mar 07, 2023
In Journalist Phase-INTERMEDIATE
Being unable to develop a sense of self identity can have a significant negative consequence for an individual's mental heath and overall well-being. Research has linked identity difficulties with a range of issues, including low self- esteem, depression, anxiety, andd substance use (Westen, 1991). Studies have aslo shown that individuals who struggle with identity development are more likely to experience interpersonal problems, such as difficulty forming and maintainig relationships. (Berzonsky, 2004). For example identity struggles in academic and career - students who experience identity confusion may have more difficulty choosing a career path and can be less motivated to pursue academic goal ( Erikson, 1968). In short, developing a sense is crucial for personal growth and success. Struggling with this process can have a range of negative effects.
Unable to develop a self identity. content media
Barsha Limbu
Feb 20, 2023
In Journalist Phase-INTERMEDIATE
We live within a complex social hierarchy where access to resources is unequal, and the richest people with the most resources and respect are considered to be at the top of the hierarchy and the poorest people with the least resources and respect are at the bottom. Some people have more access to resources than others and it is our socioeconomic status that defines our placement in this hierarchy. Socioeconomic status is determined by combining ones financial, social, and educational resources. Therefore climbing the social ladder is important for society because everyone wants a chance to do well in life. Especially for people who belong to a middle-class family and who are feeling trapped in their low-income status and worry about the lack of opportunities for their children to progress. So, for this part of society when one person climbs the social ladder he/she does not climb the social ladder alone. They uplift the whole society, and doing so takes a concerted effort involving families, institutions and community members, Any thoughts or comments?
Why is climbing social ladder important? content media

Barsha Limbu

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